Saturday, December 11, 2010

Concept that I found useful

I thought that I found Chapter 11, about Fallacies, interesting and useful. With this Chapter, I was able to distinguish the different kinds of bad argument and recognize when they were being used. The examples helped me as well, because I heard those arguments so many times in my life and I didn't know they were considered as fallacies. So next time I hear someone saying one of the examples, I will know that it will be a bad argument. Many of the times it is hard to have a good argument with someone if they say a fallacies and most of the time it is hard to fix fallacies (sometimes). A lot of the time those fallacies are used in TV commercial, speeches, or campaigns. For examples, in campaigns such as PETA, they use appeal to emotion and bad appeal to common belief to make people feel guilty and stop eating meat or wear fur. The use of image is also a way to make people feel a certain way.

Favorite/less favorite

Well my favorite part of this class is that I was able to work in a group and meet people who were in the class. I enjoyed working in a group and learn from everybody else. The post also were interesting because I could see everyone's point of view and different blog. I just think that learning something new in general is what I like the most. I also liked the fact that this class was online other wise I don't think I would be able to place this class in my schedule.

The thing I really didn't like was the fact that I couldn't see the mistakes I've done on the test. If I saw the results, I would remember and take notes. But it didn't which one did I do well and which one I did poorly. I didn't like the fact it was timed. It is very stressful and distracting so that is why I did bad on the tests.

Friday, December 10, 2010

what I have learned

Before taking this course, I thought to myself "omg critical thinking! I don't think i'm that smart to think logically. But then when reading the book I found it very easy to understand and I eventually learned new information that I didn't know before. For example, I learned that there were many different kinds of fallacies and mistakes in a claim. Now if I am looking at a claim done by a commercial or anything on TV or in a Magazine, I would be able to analyze it before and judge wether or nor this claim makes sense or if it's a fallacy. Also I learned how to evaluate if an argument is week or strong depending on the context. I learned how to think before of what i'm gonna say in an argument. I just learned a lot of useful materials that I can actually use in life. The Epstein book critical thinking helped me a lot. Although, I wish we were able to look at our tests corrections, like that I would know to not do this mistake again.