Friday, December 10, 2010

what I have learned

Before taking this course, I thought to myself "omg critical thinking! I don't think i'm that smart to think logically. But then when reading the book I found it very easy to understand and I eventually learned new information that I didn't know before. For example, I learned that there were many different kinds of fallacies and mistakes in a claim. Now if I am looking at a claim done by a commercial or anything on TV or in a Magazine, I would be able to analyze it before and judge wether or nor this claim makes sense or if it's a fallacy. Also I learned how to evaluate if an argument is week or strong depending on the context. I learned how to think before of what i'm gonna say in an argument. I just learned a lot of useful materials that I can actually use in life. The Epstein book critical thinking helped me a lot. Although, I wish we were able to look at our tests corrections, like that I would know to not do this mistake again.

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