Saturday, December 11, 2010

Favorite/less favorite

Well my favorite part of this class is that I was able to work in a group and meet people who were in the class. I enjoyed working in a group and learn from everybody else. The post also were interesting because I could see everyone's point of view and different blog. I just think that learning something new in general is what I like the most. I also liked the fact that this class was online other wise I don't think I would be able to place this class in my schedule.

The thing I really didn't like was the fact that I couldn't see the mistakes I've done on the test. If I saw the results, I would remember and take notes. But it didn't which one did I do well and which one I did poorly. I didn't like the fact it was timed. It is very stressful and distracting so that is why I did bad on the tests.

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