Friday, November 19, 2010

Cause and Effect website

It took me a while to understand what the website about causal argument was describing, but the exercise help me clarify what it means. I also took at look at chapter 15 on page 302 to understand " causes and effects".
The "cause" according to the website is what happen so that it affected the other event. In other words, for example, the cold season caused Jim to wear warm clothes. Because it is cold outside and Jim does not want to be sick, he puts a coat, glove and scarf. Another example, the cat's presence caused Alice to sneeze. Because the cat was near Alice, she sneezed because of her allergies to cats. In other words the cat was the cause of her sneezing.
Cause and effect can also be described as a "domino effect" because one event can cause others events which can cause another one and another one, like the example used in the website.
On the website, they used the example of the accident with the bicyclist and two cars. I say that it is the truck's fault that he was parked illegally on the bicycle lane, which caused the bicycle to go on the traffic lane, and then caused the accident.

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