Friday, November 5, 2010

Objective p.195

1. Write a bad argument in favor of affirmative action whose only premises appeal to pity.

People should stop hunting animals. It is unmoral and innocent animals get killed for no reason. Poaching is a sinful job because hunters go hunt animals for a money. Many of those animals that are being hunted are going extinct because of over-poaching such as tigers, rhinoceros ,elephants, jaguars, and other species. Do you like cute animals? Do you like chinchillas or baby seals? Well guess what, those poor little creature are being beaten to death for their fur, which is then sold for ridiculously expensive. How would you feel if you were separated from your family and beaten to death? You probably wouldn't want that. Humans are just purely selfish and kill innocent animals for their own profits.

This argument uses descriptions of tortured animals so that people feel pity for them. I personally do not like poaching and I do think it is purely unmoral.

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