Saturday, November 6, 2010

Chapter 10 Question #7 " Appeal to patriotism"

7. Give an example of an appeal to patriotism. Is it a good argument? (195)

At first when I read the question, I was surprise to find that there was a kind of appeal of emotion called " appeal of patriotism".To learn a little bit more about it, I went online and found this online article by Glen Warchol:


This article describes how protesters in the U.S use appeal to patriotism to protest against the war in Iraq. The mayor of Salt Lake City, Rocky Anderson who was at the protest, used the appeal of patriotism to get support and fight against the war in Iraq. He said," We can debate, as we should in a free country, the decisions of our political leaders. But we must always support without wavering, and be grateful toward, our men and women in the armed forces" (Warchol). Anderson also claimed " we are grateful for what veterans have scarified for our country and our freedom". These statements above are examples of appeal to patriotism because they emphasize on the love of ones country in order to get people to act (like the protesters or activists).

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