Thursday, September 30, 2010

Advertising on the Internet

Now here's an advertisement that everybody knows ----->


           First of all, this ad really annoys me because nothing is believable. They always use celebrities for their commercials which makes the advertisement phony. Celebrities have beautiful skin because they have enough money to go to the best dermatologist. When they used regular people for their " real stories" they probably chose only the people which Proactive worked or maybe they photoshoped their faces. What about the rest of the people who tried it? Did it not work for them? Also in the ad, they say that it is " for all type of  skin". Normally every skin is different and requires different kinds of products depending on the type of skin you have (oily, dry or mixed). So this premise is dubious and false. I hear that apparently if you stop using Proactive your face will break out again and then you have to keep buying the product. I have used it in the past and it did not work for me because it dried and irritated my skin. Because of my personal experience with Proactive and other peoples' claim about the product, I believe that his ad has weak claims which makes it dubious.


  1. Hey! (:
    I agree that Proactiv ads are annoying. I have experienced using this too and what they say isn't always the truth. Yes it does prevent breakouts and blemishes but if you do stop, you will break out. It says that it’s for all skin types, but if you have both dry/oily skin and have certain allergies it’ll not help your skin but will further worsen the problem. Companies, like Proactiv never reveal what happens when you stop using their product because they just want you to keep buying. It would be nice if they would use individuals who weren't celebrities to promote this product. I mean it's a promoting strategy that most companies use to gain the respect and attract more consumers but it would be nice for them to stop relying on famous people and get some everyday people talking in their commercials. Famous people do have the money to keep their skin in tip top shape and Proactiv is probably a minor thing that decreases the chances of break outs aside from the other expensive products that are available to them.

  2. Hey, I agree that Proactiv is not meant to be for all sorts of skin. They have used many popular celebrities and people to make it seem like Proactiv is the only solution in cleansing pores and making the skin look flawless. However, it depends on the person. I use to use Proactiv but it did not work for me but I bought it in the first place because I had reason to believe it was working after I seen the advertising commercials. Also, I find it interesting that you have mentioned about the celebrities having the money to find a way to have a perfect skin other that Proactiv. It can be true that they have hired a dermatologist to fix their skin since they have a lot of money then to get paid to be part of Proactiv's commericials. Nice Post!

  3. I always found these ads a bit amusing (and quite dubious!) in the way that they try to present their spokeswomen as beautiful simply because their skin is clear - as if Pizza Face Patty in middle school need only rub this magic foam on her face, and suddenly the blemishes would be removed not just from her face, but from everything "wrong" her - her hair will develop an alluring sheen, her smile will be instantly charming, and her life will become all that she ever dreamed of – Vanessa Anne Hudgens and Katy Perry in a bottle. But hey, people buy into it, so you can’t say the marketing department isn’t doing its job.
