Saturday, September 18, 2010

Organizational culture

Organizational culture

According to O'Hair and Wiemann, "an organizational culture provides guidance about appropriate norms and behaviors"(55).

When I read this passage, for some reason I had two pictures in my mind: First I had a visual of japanese business men working in cubicles and then I had a vision of the TV show "The Office" ( love that show by the way ^^ ).
Well for example, I imagined the japanese business men being very polite to each other, working very late in silent or listening to their boss without interrupting. They seem very serious about their job and want things done perfectly. I would imagine it is the "appropriate behavior"if you would be working in a office in Japan.
On the other hand, when I think of the TV show " The Office", I see the complete opposite of the japanese business men. All the characters in the show seemed to be distracted by their co-workers and often time will do anything but work. Michael who is their boss does not seem to take things seriously and does not have enough authority. Dwight, the goof ball in the office is the one who likes to cause trouble and be the center of attention. It's disorganized.This imagine is an example of "inappropriate norms and behaviors".

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