Friday, September 3, 2010

Subjective and Objective Claims

A subjective claim is an opinion that a person has and that statement can not be proved to be true or false.
As an example, I believe that the french country side is a beautiful and peaceful place. French country side has a lot of hiking places, creeks, and restaurants called "venta". Obviously I'm attache to it because it is my native country. My boyfriend disagrees with me and says that the bay area is prettier than the french country side. He as well is attache to his country, which is why he has a different belief. Our beliefs varies because we see things differently. His definition of "beautiful" is different than what I think is "beautiful".

An objective claim is a statement that is based on facts and can be proved to be true or false. Scientific hypothesis are good examples of objective claims because they are conclusions done based on observations. Yet, they do not need to be true. For instants, the cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. This statement is true because many scientist have calculated the speed of the animal. On the other hand, saying that the earth is the center of the universe is a false statement. Early scientists discovered that the planet was instead located on an orbit and the sun was in the center. These facts above are examples of objective claims.

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