Saturday, September 4, 2010

vague/ambiguous sentences

Vague sentences are phrases that do not make any sense or lack of clarity. An ambiguous sentence is a phrase that can have both meanings depending on the words. Often times, foreigners have difficulties understanding people speaking english because a clear sentence can sound vague to them. My first language is french and sometimes I have difficulties understanding my mom when she gives me instructions. My mom is terrible at giving instructions.
I remember one time she left a note saying that I had to prepare dinner.I had to make a casserole dish. I followed the instructions until it said " mix ingredients together". Which ingredients? All of them? Half of them? I didn't know which one to mix first because there was an order. I tried to call my mom at her work for further explanation, but she didn't pick up because she was at a conference. Unsure of myself, I decided to mix all the ingredients together at once. Result? The casserole ended up half burned and tasting bad :( My mother forgot to precise which ingredients and in what order I needed to mix the bather. That is why it is important to be precise when giving instructions and use clear sentences.

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