Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Repairing Arguments

Here is an example of an argument that needs to be fixed:

- Kids who listen to their parents music ( from the 60's, 70's and 80's) will most likely have the same taste as them. Kids who do not listen to their parents' music will most likely listen to other kind of music .

Analysis: Well I would say this argument is valid but not completely true. Kids and teens who like to listen to their parents music from the 60's, 70's, and 80's will most likely listen to the same kind of music. Their parents where an influence on them. On the other hand, kids or teens who do not listen to their parents' old music are more likely to listen to other type of music such as mainstream, Pop, Rap, Electro, and others. They are more likely to listen to what is popular at school or among their peers. Their parent's music weren't an influence on them. But then again it is not the same case for everyone, so...

To fix this argument I will need to add the conclusion which is:

-Most kids who listen only to modern music must have parents who did not influence them in their music preferences.

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